Eight C’s to help your business during Covid-19

Last Friday we ran our first targeted webinar ‘Your Business Continuity Plan’ which allowed those who attended to get an insight on what needs to be included in order to create a successful plan for their business during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Every news story we come across now is covering the “C-word” and it can be a little daunting at times to know what the best actions are to take and how much control you have during the outbreak. We’ve put together 8 more C-words to help you focus on what you can control in your business to mitigate Covid19 that will also help towards your own business continuity plan.

1. Cash
It’s the oxygen for your business, do what you can now to preserve cash for the unknown future state.

2. Credit
You may need to arrange adequate credit; talk to your bank to see what your options are.

3. Colleagues
Your team are the backbone of your business and needs your leadership now more than ever. Your leadership skills will be growing day by day. Be supportive, honest and human.

4. Customers
Connect with your top customers. Call them, if for no other reason than to see how they are. Many are feeling isolated and out of control. A familiar voice and fresh perspective can make a big difference.

5. Condense
Your Marketing Plan and messaging, Business Plan and goals are likely to be temporarily irrelevant. Hit pause. Condense your efforts to focus on this crisis and adapting to make the most of the opportunities that may present themselves.

6. Change
It is usually a choice, but right now it’s being forced by crisis. Maximise your financial resilience by imagining a new normal for your business. How can you pivot your business model to serve existing and new customers? How can you get up and running faster?

7. Communication
Whether your business is operating in some capacity or not; keep your customers and suppliers updated regularly. Social media is a big opportunity to engage your audience right now.

8. Compassion
Whether on the frontline or being unable to operate – everyone is feeling it. If we act with compassion right now, we’ll all come out of this better off. There are beautiful stories everywhere we look: from the florist donating his unsellable flowers to frontline nurses, to the musician live streaming a free concert. These gestures will not be forgotten.

If you need support with developing your Business Continuity Plan to help your business emerge successfully from lockdown, please get in touch.